3 Myths About Birth That Are Keeping You Scared: And How Hypnobirthing Fixes Them
Childbirth can be one of the most life-changing, beautiful, and empowering experiences of a person’s life. But for most of us —there’s also a lot of fear and uncertainty that can grow along with your bump.
Whether you’re expecting your first baby or planning for the next, it’s common to feel anxious about what’s to come. But what if I told you that most of these fears are based on myths and misconceptions that just aren’t true? And better yet, there’s a way to overcome them, naturally and calmly?
When I say Hypnobirthing is one of the best things you’ll ever do, I’m not exaggerating. I too was scared of birth and not being in control, if it wasn’t for Hypnobirthing I have no doubt my births’ would have been very different experiences and I certainly wouldn’t be writing this for you now. You can read about how I discovered Hypnobirthing here.
Hypnobirthing isn’t just a set of relaxation techniques—it’s a powerful mindset shift that helps you view birth as a positive, empowering experience. It equips you with tools to release fear, reduce pain, and embrace your inner strength.
So, let’s debunk three common myths that might be keeping you scared, and show you how Hypnobirthing can turn them upside down!
Myth #1: Birth is Always Painful and Terrifying
This is the big one because let’s be honest, birth is set as the ‘bench mark’ for pain. The idea that labour is synonymous with excruciating pain is drilled into us from an early age. Movies, TV shows, and even well-meaning friends can paint a terrifying picture of labour that makes us think of hours of screaming, agony, and feeling completely out of control.
The truth? Birth doesn’t have to be painful and it certainly doesn’t need to be scary.
The pain people talk about is often linked to fear and tension. When we’re anxious or afraid, our bodies tense up, and this can make contractions feel more intense than they need to be.
Hypnobirthing teaches you how to work with your body, instead of fighting against it. Through deep breathing, positive affirmations, and visualisation techniques, you can reframe your perception of pain and allow the muscles of your uterus to work more effectively and more comfortably (Uldal et al., 2023).
Many people who have used hypnobirthing techniques in birth, don’t describe their birth as painful, they describe the experience as ‘intense’ and sensations of ‘pressure’ or ‘discomfort’. Not the extreme pain they feared (Catsaros & Wendland, 2022).
Hypnobirthing also focuses on the connection between your mind and body—when your mind is calm, your body can follow suit. When you learn to trust your body and your baby’s timing, you can experience labour as a process that’s intense but not necessarily painful.
Myth #2: You won’t be in control during birth
We’ve all heard the stories—things didn’t go according to plan, the birth wasn’t what anyone expected, or it turned into an emergency situation. It’s easy to feel like your birth is destined for chaos, but that’s not the case: while birth can be unpredictable, it’s not a free-for-all where you lose all control.
In fact, a lot of it is in your hands, especially when it comes to how you prepare mentally and emotionally. Sure, things can take a sudden left turn, but that's why being prepared is key!
So, how can Hypnobirthing help? It teaches you to handle the unexpected, stay calm, and adapt — no matter what curveballs come your way. Sure, having a birth plan is great, but hypnobirthing helps you stay flexible, so you don’t fall apart when things don’t go exactly as expected.
Whether that’s the birth pool you so desperately wanted not being available, or needing to consent to an unplanned caesarean because your baby is breech and that feels like the best option for you — you’ll be prepared.
Hypnobirthing builds your mental resilience and gives you the tools to stay calm, centered, and ready to make the best choices for you and your baby (Yulizawati, Hardisman & Tasya, 2023).
When it comes to maternity care, staying in control begins with knowledge. As the saying goes, "If you don’t know your options, you don’t have any." By familiarising yourself with NHS policies, you’re not simply following a set of guidelines—you’re equipping yourself with the confidence to challenge hospital procedures if needed.
This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions and take an active role in the discussion about your care. Understanding your rights and options within the maternity system allows you to maintain control, advocate for yourself, and ensure that you and your baby receive the most personalised and positive experience possible during this significant time.
Myth #3: Birth is Dangerous and medical interventions are likely
Let’s address this one head-on, shall we? A lot of people fear that birth is inherently dangerous, and that it’s just a matter of time before medical interventions are needed. Let’s not forget that birth is a natural process, not a medical emergency.
While it’s true that some births may require medical assistance, most are perfectly safe and straightforward, especially when you feel calm, confident, and supported.
The truth is, medical interventions aren’t as “likely” as you might think and if you’re using Hypnobirthing techniques, they’re even less likely.
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospital examined how Hypnobirthing influenced a mother’s birth experience, compared to mothers in the general population who didn’t use Hypnobirthing techniques during their labour. The findings speak for themselves.
Hypnobirthing helps you trust your body’s wisdom, and that makes all the difference! When you’re empowered with knowledge, relaxation techniques, and breathing practices, you’re more likely to have a smoother experience — with or without interventions. So remember, birth is a natural, powerful process — and you are the boss of it!
So, is birth really as bad as ‘they’ say?
Myths, misconceptions and lack of knowledge fuel fear. The truth is, birth doesn’t have to be painful and scary, you can be in control (even when things take an unexpected turn), and most of the time, birth is a natural, safe process without a bunch of medical interventions.
Hypnobirthing helps you debunk all of these myths by empowering you with the tools to stay calm, confident, and connected to your body throughout the journey.
Birth can be intense, yes, but it can also be empowering, joyful, and downright beautiful. With Hypnobirthing by your side, you’ve got everything you need to face the big day with a smile, a deep breath, and maybe even a bit of excitement!
Eleanor x